The men recently completed our 4th Come, Follow Me Retreat. It was an amazing experience, with 48 men in attendance. The retreat was a moving, heart-felt weekend for the team and the participants – the Holy Spirit was with us!
Some feedback from the retreat participants:
“Format was bold, invasive, challenging, powerful, and deeply rooted in Christ”
“Simply and dramatically changed my life from this point forward”
“Inspiring and motivating”
“There were talks that could touch virtually everyone and every experience”
“Restarted my spiritual conversion with Jesus”
“Great venue”
“It provides time for more knowledge of [each] other’s struggles and [the] path they are traveling”
“Personal, raw, testimonies – authentic”
“[Learned] ways to be a better father”
The Women’s Retreat will be held the weekend of February 23 at the same location, Father Bernard Youth Center in Mt. Angel, Oregon. It follows the same format and is always a moving experience. Come, rekindle your relationship with Jesus Christ. You can learn more and register here.