The Holy League Catholic Men’s Conference is coming up October 20th and 21st in Mt. Angel. Come, Follow Me Retreats will have a booth there to mission on the upcoming Men’s Retreat so please come by, say hello, and help spread the word! Note – the Spanish Conference is October 28th.)

You can learn more about the Holy League and the conferences here.
From their about us page:
We are men who are called to battle as soldiers for our Lord Jesus. We have Jesus Christ as our king and the blessed virgin Mary as our queen. The holy league, in the spirit of Marion Chivalry , under the patronage of our Lady of Fatima, St. Joseph and St. Michael the Archangel, seeks to provide opportunities for faithful men to unite in prayer, especially through monthly Eucharistic holy hour and an annual conference. It is holy league’s mission, to spread the message of the spiritual war raging all around us. We recruit men to fight for souls, starting with their own households. Our mission is to bring our wives and children with us to heaven. With the armor of God, we can defeat the prince of this world. The most holy Eucharist, confession and Our Lady’s Rosary are our primary weapons in the battle for souls. We men of Holy League are armored daily by our lady, with her scapular for our shield and her rosary as our sword. We are evangelizing and asking men to join us in this battle. We engage in spiritual combat because we are the church militant! To Jesus through Mary! + AD JESUM PER MARIAM +